Quest Cancelled

for some reason when i talk to certain NPC it says that the quest is cancelled is there anyway to fix this?

I also didn’t receive my lvl 50 gift box which i dont mind just wondering if has something to do with this as well

This forum in particular is mostly to host guides. In the future, feel free to ask in the Discord’s help section. That being said, there’s a limit of 10 active quests at a time, so if you hit that, you’ll see that error message. You’ll simply need to finish or cancel one.

I don’t recall there being a level 50 gift box actually. Breno’s beginner guide covers the level up gifts at the start if you want to check that out as well: Beginner Guide to LifeTO (upgraded) by Breno

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ok thank you :pray:t6: it was exactly as you said lol