September 14, 2020 Changelog

Hello all! These are some of the quality of life changes that were supposed to be made in late August:

  • The Adamantite to Alexandrite exchange now costs 10k galders instead of 2mil galders.
  • The Alexandrite to Adamantite exchange now costs 500k galders instead of 2mil galders.
  • Torn Contracts are no longer dropped by Oops Wharf monsters.
  • Removed exchange coupons from:
    • Tutankhamen’s Box
    • Prince Tutankhamen’s Box
    • Captain Skull Box
    • Pirate King’s Box
    • Karan’s Box
    • Count Blood’s Box
    • Young Blood’s Box
    • Tenter Lion Box
    • Baby Tenter Lion Box
    • Queen Odinea Box
    • Princess Odinea Box
  • Kaboom’s spawn rate has been increased to 5 from 2 to help ease obtaining character badges.