PvP fox has multiple fighting build that you can choose and switch it.
1st Anniversary
Increase LK
2nd Anniversary
Increase DA
Sixth Sense
Increase DA
Sticky Foot
Reduce HV, Scaled DA
Gun Booster
Increase AC
Lucky Seven
Increase LK
Practice Pitch
Increase Throwing AP
Aura of Luck
Increase LK
Chain of Knives
Main Attack Skill, Scaled DA
Gas Mask
Protect Skunk Pouch
Not important, but high damage, Scaled DA and LK
Sticky Icky
Reduce HV, DP and LK, Scaled LK
Lightning Rod
Protect Electro Shock
Fan of Knives
Attack Skill during other skill is in CD, Scaled DA
Explosives Expert
Main Attack Skill, Scaled DA and LK
Poison Pouch
This can break Bunny’s guard skill, Damage is low.
Main Skill
Poison Assault
Main Attack Skill for high HP opponent, Scaled DA
Strong Mind
Protect Entrancing Wink
Sudden Attack
Main Attack Skill to OHKO for low HP opponent, Scaled DA, LK and AP.
Pure DA Type
This type need high DA(2,5k+ with buff) and enough AC(500-700 with buff) to make high damage,
This type can’t survive by opponent’s attack, so You have to control your Hide skill to avoid some attack.
Build and Equips
Build graph is 1144(PMSC) and all point for DA.
Weapon: Powerful Jur 3-4s compound DA
Shield: Inventor Lion Shield 240 3-4s compound DA
Hat: Goddess Circlet 2-3s compound DA or Inventor Lion on Top 240 3-4s compoind DA
Sprint: Red Shoestring compound DA
Accessory 1: Choux Creme KeyChain 250 compound DA
Accessory 2: Great Trickster Ring compound DA
Innerwear: Wind Corset compound DA
Cape: Great Trickster Cape compound DA
Head: Inventor Lion Halo 240 3-4s compound DA
Mask: Matroos Pipe 250 compound DA
Pet: Lord Lycan 240 2-3s compound DA
DA and HP balanced Type
This type need high DA(1.5k+ with buff), enough AC(500-700 with buff), and enough HP(70-90k).
This type can survive by Champion’s Flash Cut and Raccoon’s Full House.
Build and Equips
Build graph is 1144(PMSC) and all point for HP.
Weapon: Draconic Dagger compound DA or Powerful Jur 3-4s compound DA
Shield: Goddess Shield 2-3s compound HP or Inventor Lion Shield 240 3-4s compound DA
Hat: Goddess Circlet 2-3s compound DA or Inventor Lion on Top 240 3-4s compoind DA
Sprint: Red Shoestring compound DA
Accessory 1: Choux Creme KeyChain 250 compound DA or HP
Accessory 2: Great Trickster Ring compound HP
Innerwear: Wind Corset compound DA
Cape: Great Trickster Cape compound HP
Head: Inventor Lion Halo 240 3-4s compound DA
Mask: Matroos Pipe 250 compound DA
Pet: Lord Lycan 240 2-3s compound DA or HP
Melee Attack Type
This type need high AP(15k+), enough AC(500-700 with buff), enough HP(70-90k+), enough HV(500-700), and enough Attribute(500+)
This type is for fun, but not too weak.
Build and Equips
Build graph is 4141(PMSC) and all point for HP.
Weapon: Draconic Sword compound Fire Attr or Fire God’s Sword 3s compound Fire Attr,
Shield: Goddess Shield 2-3s compound HP or Card Master Raccoon Shield 240 3-4s compound HV
Hat: Inferno Helm compound Fire Attr
Sprint: Orange Shoestring compound HV or LK
Accessory 1: Dragon Ring 190 3-4 compound Dark or Light Attr
Accessory 2: Great Trickster Ring compound HP
Innerwear: Cyclone Belt compound HP
Cape: Great Trickster Cape compound HP
Head: Pevane Head Accessory 280 compound HP, HV or LK
Mask: Bubble Gum 250 compound AC or LK
Pet: Lord Lycan 240 2-3s compound AC, HP or LK
Yuragi’s Stats
AP gear
Thank you for reading!!