LF> Testers for eTO Client Private Alpha

Hello! :smiley:

After a few weeks of work and an uncountable amount of crimes against machines, I think we’ve gotten a newer version of the Trickster client to function well enough to begin testing it very soon. The long-term goal is to switch completely to this client, but we’ll continue to support the current client until we’re more confident about the new client’s stability.

The main reason to switch to the new client is simply to make my life easier, as the current client has problems that make it a nightmare to analyze. With that being said, while significant work was already done to adapt the client to our server (and vice-versa), the work is only just beginning.

So, I’m looking for testers that know a lot about the game to help test this client and report any crashes (so-called “exceptional errors”). If you’d like to help out, please @ me on the Discord server in #trickster or send me a DM on Discord. I’ll choose testers that I believe to be active and good fits for testing.

Important Testing Information

Please give this section a read if you’re going to test the client.

Focus Areas

  • Do your skills work, or do they crash?
  • Do any monsters cause a crash?
  • If you use MyCamp a lot, are there any missing sets or items? Are the prices correct on items?
  • Do all functions that are present in the current client work as expected?
  • Are there any out-of-place strings (text) on the UI?

Reporting Bugs

You can report bugs with this client on the Discord server or by replying to this thread! Please make sure that the following information is included in your bug report.

  1. What map were you on?
  2. Was there unexpected behavior, or did you crash or soft lock?
  3. If you crashed or soft locked, do you know what caused it? If so, what was it? If not, what was happening around you? (For example, was there a monster attacking?)
  4. If you can provide reproduction steps, please do so.
  5. Any additional comments or information I might find useful for fixing the bug?

Client Information

This section is a bit long, and is generally just good to know. Read it if you care, or find out yourself if you don’t.

Known Issues

  • Unsupported features MyShop (gifting, gacha, charge, etc.) don’t take you to the right “not available” page
  • Monster quest teleport button is broken (e.g, Love Hunter Robin in Relics Dungeon 1) - cannot reproduce
  • …? :thinking:

Changes / New Features / QoL

  • The new MyShop UI.
    Truth be told, the new UI is kind of useless since filtering doesn’t work (see the limitations section below).

  • Fixed MyShop object positioning on higher resolutions.
    I fixed the character preview and info to the right of the character preview. Thanks for nothing, Ntreev!

  • Fixed guild list UI and updated guild UI translations.
    I updated some of the translations in the guild UI (G key) that made no sense, and the guild list UI isn’t bugged out anymore.

  • Sell up to your entire inventory all at once, if you want. There’s no more 20 item limit in selling items. Sells will be automatically batched in order until everything is sold.

  • Exchange in bulk, up to 99 per “Go” click. The number box is now editable, and exchanges will be batched in order until everything is exchanged.

  • Mind’s Eye has no overlay by default.
    You don’t need to enable an option to get rid of it anymore.

  • The font isn’t as horrendous in some areas.
    The marriage UI and map name display uses the font that was in eTO. It’s still pretty ugly but it’s not MS Gothic and generally fits English text much better.

  • Save ID support is present.
    If you played on eTO when it was still up, you’ll probably remember that there was no “Save ID” check on the login screen. I added it into the client for feature parity reasons.

  • Uses a little bit less memory.
    You can generally expect this client to use around 100 MB less of your precious RAM, so that 1/4 of a Chrome tab can eat it up instead.

  • All chat doesn’t duplicate to Party chat.
    In cTO (the current client), when you send a message in the “All” (current map region) chat channel, the message also gets sent to the “Party” chat. Supposedly, this was a feature that was just never in eTO, but was in kTO.

  • Some pets have special visual effects.
    For example, Azhi the Drake has a gold effect.

  • You can make drilled up items appear in chat. Inside lifeto.toml’s qol_fixes section, set drill_result_in_chat = true to enable this.

  • More, but I forgot.
    There are too many minor differences that I don’t remember. :frowning:


  • IMPORTANT: No security code support.
    This is probably a feature to some people (including me), but using the new client requires you to delete your security code. When we release it as the default client, we’ll likely be disabling the use of security codes globally (click “Reset Password” on https://beta.lifeto.co/app#/accounts).
  • Certain skills might crash.
    It seems that Ntreev updated some skills like Tetra Punch at some point, and I haven’t been able to test and fix all of them.
  • No “favorites” or filtering support in MyShop.
    While the new client supports both favorites and filtering, the server does not support favorites and the backend needs further work for filtering to be implemented. The “Favorite” button has been removed from the MyShop UI, but the button to go to your favorites remains (but will not list anything). At this time, filtering is a very low priority task item.
  • MyShop categories may be a bit awkward for the time being.
    We had to convert the categories of items to the category system that the new client uses. While all the items are present, they might be in weird places. If you have any suggestions for where to move some items, let me know and I’ll do that!
  • No “visual stands”.
    At some point, Ntreev added mats that you could put under your character while a shop is open. We don’t support this functionality.
  • No voiced pets.
    They’re kind of annoying and it would take a lot of work to implement them. The three options in the client don’t do anything. I might remove the option in the future.
  • Input Method Editor support does not fully work.
    Trickster handles IMEs differently per region, though I’ve done my best to unlock what I could find. I think the problems are the same as in the current client, though.
  • No support for changing the FPS.
    The option was way too buggy to use at higher refresh rates, so it’s just not supported for now. If there is demand, I’m open to adding it back in.

Fixed Issues

  • 20230705v1: Attempt to resolve some random crashes from the original game by replacing the memory pool system
  • 20230702v2: Fixed a disconnect when fusing items
  • 20230702v1: Fixed crashes when using Dark Commando or Quad Punch. Also translated the /h help menu, fixed dropped item text.
  • 20230621v2: Removed remaining warehouse weight limits (weight is now visual only)
  • 20230621v1: Warehouse may not function for some characters, possibly due to having expanded warehouse slots

Nice!! Let me be one of the testers :grinning:

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